Saturday, March 9, 2013

Putting the fun in dysfunctional....The Chinese Way!


Ahhhh just putting the fun back in dysfunctional.....

I often wonder it me....? seriously......I am entertained by the smallest things and find humour in things no one else does.....perhaps that is what I collect the odd picture...

Here's a couple of things
1) the Belt Buckle

Typical Chinese....I know that sounds racist and is.....for good sake there is 1.25 BILLION of them and they still haven't a clue...One of the things I do is make high end custom belt buckles...when looking for a new vendor I will always vet them to see if they understand the language or that we can set up a accurate communication....generally their letters start off with something businesslike, such as " Dear most excellent belt buckle maker...your name was given to us by a person who know's of your excellence in buckle rendering and we want to make friends to be in business with"....Now that we have step one out of the way I always ask for a sample of their work...the most recent one sent me the following...I shit you not...they said that this is an example of their best work....
I did not have the heart to explain why this is so wrong..

The  Next thing we did was supply lapel pins and metal craft...The factory I use has some tremendous skills in the field of metal work but their images for their site were very poor...I asked them if they could provide a sell sheet that hi-lited some of their better work. As they do a lot of military hardware , buttons and badges etc...they sent a note say they thought this might work.....They obviously did not know their is a number of Jewish people in this business.

I was also dealing with a company/factory in China who provides soft goods, bags, knapsacks etc. They wrote me and were quite excited about their new line of corporate animal costumes?...They were quite sure these would be a tremendous hit in The US corporate marketplace. I was unsure where they would fit so I asked them to send me a picture of what they had in mind. They sent the following and said it was their best seller in China....I am wondering what kind of Corporate gatherings China has...I especially like the giant nads.....?

The following is all true.......but cannot be topped by the woman I had working for me at my previous company...a lovely woman who shall remain nameless...only her initials will be named (Rosetta Ho)....Rosetta was a typical Asian ...highly loyal, great worker but everything must stay between the lines.....if there was an unusual or odd occurrence at work, on the way to work or home to work...she would be totally flummoxed.....One morning she came into the office and you could see that she was embarrassed....she said about 2 miles from work she heard a big clunk in her front wheel and the car jerked to the left....she did not want to stop to see what had happened (ie hit a child, etc) so she kept driving.....when she got to work she got me to come and look at her car......She had run over a curved pitchfork which had stuck into the tire and had not deflated it....she drove for 2 miles with it just as you see it......(I should have become a lawyer)....

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